
Level 2: Logic 1: Conceptual Discussions

Time limit: 365 days
10 credits

£400 Enroll

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This course is part one of a three-part course on logic (manṭiq). In this course, logic is defined and brief historical background of its origin and development is provided. Links to other Muslim disciplines are also made to demonstrate how useful of a discipline it is for students in their studies going forward. Several areas are covered including knowledge, conceptualisation, linguistic discussions, universals and particulars, and the four relations.  


Lesson Breakdown

Lesson 1      Introduction

Introduction to course

Overview of the textbook and the author

The need for logic (al-ḥāja ilā al-manṭiq)

The definition of logic (taʿrīf ʿilm al-manṭiq)

Logic as an instrument

Lesson 2      Knowledge (ʿilm)

Sensory knowledge (al-ʿilm al-ḥissī)

Imaginal knowledge (al-ʿilm al-khayālī)

Estimative knowledge (al-ʿilm al-wahmī)

Intellective knowledge (al-ʿilm al-ʿaqlī)

Lesson 3      Definition of knowledge (taʿrīf al-ʿilm)

Conceptualisation (taṣawwur)

Assent (taṣdīq)

How assent and conceptualisation are related

Lesson 4      Divisions of assent (aqsām al-taṣdīq)

Divisions of ignorance (aqsām al-jahl)

Lesson 5      Axiomatic/self-evident knowledge and acquired knowledge (al-ʿilm ḍurūrī wa naẓarī)

Lesson 6      Definition of thinking (taʿrīf al-naẓar aw al-fikr)

Chapter 1: Linguistic Discussions

The need for linguistic discussions (al-ḥaja ilā mabāḥith al-alfāẓ)

Lesson 7      The need for linguistic discussions (al-ḥaja ilā mabāḥith al-alfāẓ) (continued)

Lesson 8      Signification (dalāla)

Division of signification (aqsām al-dalāla)

Linguistic indication (al-dalāla al-lafẓiyya)

Divisions of linguistic indication (aqsāmuhā: al-muṭābiqiyya, al-taḍamuniyya, al-iltizāmiyya)

Lesson 9      Conditions of al-dalāla al-iltizāmiyya

Division of terms (aqsām al-alfāẓ)

Lesson 10    Synonymity and disparity (al-tarāduf wa-l-tabāyun)

Lesson 11    Division of opposition (aqsām al-taqābul)

Lesson 12    Division of opposition (aqsām al-taqābul) (continued)

Lesson 13    Simple and compound terms (al-mufrad wa-l-murakkab)

Division of complex terms (aqsām al-murakkab)

Division of simple terms (aqsām al-mufrad)

Lesson 14    Chapter 2: Discussions on Universals (mabāḥith al-kullī)

Lesson 15    Division of universals into univocal (mutawāṭiʾ)

Concept (mafhūm) and referent (miṣdāq)

Lesson 16    Four relations (al-nisab al-arbaʾa)

The relations between the negatives of the universal (al-nisab bayn naqīḍay al-kulliyyīn)

Lesson 17    The five universals (al-kulliyyāt al-khamsa)

Lesson 18    The five universals (al-kulliyyāt al-khamsa)



Please note that level two courses are only available to those who have completed all courses in level one. This is because the topics covered in level two require the historical and conceptual foundations which are built in level one.


Hours of Study

23 hours


Assessment Method

Written Exam (100%)


Course Instructor

Dr Wahid Amin

Dr Wahid Amin completed a BSc in Physics from Imperial College London and a PGCE from the Institute of Education, University College London. He then began his studies at the Al-Mahdi Institute and simultaneously completed a BA in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham, graduating from both in 2008. He went on to read for an MSt in the Study of Religions at the University of Oxford. His DPhil, also from Oxford, studied the metaphysics of necessary existence in the thought of the Persian polymath Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274). He joined AMI in 2015 as a Lecturer in Islamic Philosophy where he teaches courses on Islamic philosophy, theology, logic, and mysticism. He is also the Head of Publications at AMI Press and an Associate Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham. As an intellectual historian of Islam, his primary research interests revolve around post-classical Islamic philosophy and theology. He also maintains an interest in contemporary Islamic philosophy, the intersection between Islamic philosophy and political theory, and modern Shīʿī legal theory.