
Level 2: Arabic Two

Time limit: 365 days
20 credits

£400 Enroll

Full course description

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This level two course in Arabic will continue the text-based approach introduced in level one, enabling students to be able to tackle a variety of reading material with a clear aim towards texts with vocabulary that will complement their studies in other courses at AMI. Students will be taught and encouraged how to look up words that they do not know in a bilingual dictionary to understand the morphology of individual words, as well as within their textual context, and to be able to express themselves using Arabic synonyms given in the vocabulary lists in the book. By the end of the course, students should be able to have an intermediate level of proficiency at reading, understanding, writing, and knowing basic vocabulary in Arabic. They will also be able to write complete and grammatically correct sentences with varied syntax and vocabulary and be able to translate sentences from Arabic into English correctly and vice versa. In addition, a small portion of the course will be dedicated to deciphering oral Arabic.  


Lesson Breakdown

Lesson 1     Passive verbs (al-fiʿl al-majzūm/jāzim)

                   Noun of exaggeration (ism al-mubālagha)

                   States (ḥāl)

                   Specification (tamyīz)

                   Beginning reading from Munyat al-murīd

Lesson 2      Three types of replacement (badal)

Lesson 3      Reading from Munyat al-murīd: third form hollow verb (al-fiʿl al-nāqis) and associated patterns

                    Reading from Munyat al-murīd: introduction to additional factors that make one verb jussive (majzūm) – lamma

Lesson 4      Introduction to additional factors that make one verb jussive (majzūm) – lām al-ʿamr al-ghāʾib

                    Factors that make two verbs jussive - man

Lesson 5      Additional factors that make two verbs jussive

                    Reading from Munyat al-murīd

Lesson 6      Reading from Munyat al-murīdism al-mawṣūl/mushtarak

                    Student questions

Lesson 7      Placing the hamza

Lesson 8      Introduction to conditional tools and particles

                    Conditional particles – inidhālaw

                    Student questions

Lesson 9      Conditional tools and particles (continued)

                    Reading from Munyat al-murīd: the word inna-mā

                    Exercise for placing the hamza

Lesson 10    Student questions

Lesson 11    Reading from Munyat al-murīd

Lesson 12    Student questions

Lesson 13    Introduction to exemption (al-istithnāʿ bi-ʿillā)

Lesson 14    Exercise for al-istithnāʿ bi-ʿillā

                    Reading from Munyat al-murīd

Student questions

Introduction to verbs that take two direct objects (al-afʿāl allatī tanṣibu mafʿūlayn bihi)

Lesson 15    Introduction to verbal noun taking direct objects (Masdar yaʿmal ʿamal fiʿlihi)

Lesson 16    Conditional particles (ādāt al-sharṭ)

                    Recap of topics from part one

Lesson 17    Placing of the hamza

Application of placing the hamza

Lesson 18    Introduction to rhetoric (balāgha) and simile (tashbīḥ)

Tashbīḥ continued

Lesson 19    Metaphor (istiʿāra)

Metonymy (kināya)

Application of tashbīḥistiʿāra in the kināya story

                    Kināya – proverbs and figures of speech

Lesson 20    Analysing ḥadīth dʿuā al-rajab – the six nouns

Lesson 21    Listening comprehension 1

Listening comprehension 2

Lesson 22    Analysing poetry

Lesson 23    Analysing poetry

Lesson 24    Reading from Munyat al-murīd



Please note that Arabic Two is only available to those who have completed Arabic One, except with the approval of the Education Manager (


Hours of Study

29 hours


Assessment Methods

Written exams (100%)


Course Instructor

Shaykh Muhammad Reza Tajri

Shaykh Muhammad Reza Tajri began his seminary studies at the Ḥawza ʿIlmiyya of London and went on to complete a BA in Islamic Studies at The Islamic College and Middlesex University. He then moved to Damascus to study at the Ḥawza al-Imām al-Khumaynī. Whilst in Damascus, he also studied advanced Arabic at the University of Damascus. Upon returning to the UK, he completed an MA in Islamic Studies at The Islamic College and Middlesex University and a second MA in Islam in Contemporary Britain at Cardiff University. He is currently completing his PhD at Lancaster University where he is researching evolving perceptions of Shīʿī religious authority on British university campuses. A specialist in the Arabic language, he has been a Lecturer in Arabic at the Al-Mahdi Institute since 2015. He is also the Director of both the Centre of Intra-Muslim Studies (CIMS) and the Inter-Religious Symposia Platform (IRS) and is the lead for research into comparative religion at AMI. His research interests revolve around Muslims in the UK and Europe, contemporary Shīʿism and Shīʿī identity, religious authority, and the impact of gender on religion. He has presented his research at numerous conferences across the UK.