
Level 4: Jurisprudence: Advanced Readings

Time limit: 365 days
10 credits

£400 Enrol

Full course description

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Following on from the study of most topics of fiqh in al-Fiqh al-istidlālī by Muḥammad Bāqir al-Īrawānī, this course trains students in the art of deciphering more advanced works of fiqh. This course will deal with selected sections of al-Makāsib al-muḥarrama of al-Shaykh al-Anṣārī. By the end of the course, students will have developed a more thorough understanding of certain topics in fiqh and will have been exposed to the dense style of writing which is common in such advanced works.


Lesson Breakdown

Lesson 1      On Prohibited Gains (fī al-makāsib al-muḥarrama)

The need to mention some narrations as a good omen (wa yanbaghī awwalan al-tayammun bi-dhikr baʿḍ akhbār)

The narration of Tuhuf al-ʿuqūl

Lesson 2      The narration of Tuhuf al-ʿuqūl (continued)

                    The narration of Fiqh al-Riḍā

                    The narration of al-Daʿāiʾm

                    The popular Prophet narration (al-nabawī al-mahshhūr)

The division of gains into five rulings (taqsīm al-makāsib ilā al-aḥkam al-khamsa)

                    The meaning of gaining (wa maʿnā al-iktisāb)

Prohibited gains are of different types (al-iktisāb al-muḥarram anwāʿ)

1. Gains by impure substances except what has been exempted (al-iktisāb bi-l-aʿyān al-najisa ʿadā mā ustuthnī)

Lesson 3      On lahw

That lahw is prohibited (al-lahw ḥarām)

Statements of the jurists on the prohibition of lahw (kalimāt al-fuqahāʾ fī ḥurmat al-lahw)

That the reports which apparently indicate the prohibition of lahw are many (wa al-akhbār al-ẓāhira fī ḥurmat al-lahw kathīra jidan)

Lesson 4      That the reports which apparently indicate the prohibition of lahw are many (wa al-akhbār al-ẓāhira fī ḥurmat al-lahw kathīra jidan) (continued)

                    Granted, but there is a problem with the meaning of lahw (hādhā wa lākinna al-ishkāl fī maʿnā al-lahw)

                    As for laʿb (ammā laʿb)

Lesson 5      On singing (al-ghinā)

Lesson 6      Free discussion on punishment (ḥudūd)

Lesson 7      Is music actualised as a form of amusement (thumma inna al-lahw yataḥaqaqu bi-l-amrayn)

Lesson 8      Discussion on the prohibition of music and singing as a form of amusement according to Sāḥib al-Kifāya (wa nusiba qawl al-madhkūr ilā Sāḥib al-Kifāya)

Lesson 9      The concept of ghināʾ and lahw according to al-Kāshāni and al-Sabzavārī (wa bi-l-jumla fa-nisba al-khilāf ilayhi fī maʿnā al-ghināʾ awlā min nisbat al-tafṣīl ilayhi, bal ẓāhiru akthar kalimāt al-muḥaddith al-kāshānī ayḍan dhālik)

Lesson 10    Discussion on the views of scholars who believe that ghināʾ is categorically prohibited (wa ammā thālith wa huwa ikhtiṣāṣ al-ḥurma bi-baʿḍ afrād al-mawḍūʿ)

Lesson 11    Lying (al-thāmina ʿashr al-kidhb wa huwa ḥaram bi-ḍarūrat al-ʿuqūl wa al-adyān)



Please note that level four courses are only available to those who have completed all courses in levels one, two, and three. This is because the topics covered in level four require the historical and conceptual foundations which are built in the previous levels.


Hours of Study

14 hours


Assessment Method

Oral Exam (100%)


Course Instructors

Ayatollah Dr Rahim Nobahar (lecturer)

Ayatollah Dr Rahim Nobahar is a Senior Lecturer in Islamic Legal Studies at the Al-Mahdi Institute and a Professor of Law at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran, where he has taught since 2001. He has previously taught at Mofid University (Qom) and the Ḥawza ʿIlmiyya. He studied at the Ḥawza ʿIlmiyya of Qom between 1980 and 2001, studying a wide array of subjects that make of the curriculum of the Ḥawza. In addition to this, he has a PhD in Criminal Law from Shahid Beheshti University and two LLMs in Law and Criminal Law and Criminology, both from Mofid University. He is the author of twelve books and dozens of academic articles and has presented at numerous conferences in Iran and around the world.


Shaykh Arif Abdul Hussain (tutor)

Shaykh Arif Abdul Hussain founded the Al-Mahdi Institute in 1993 and currently serves as its director and as a Senior Lecturer in Legal Theory and Philosophy. Shaykh Arif began his seminary education at the Madrassa al-Sayyid al-Khūʾī in London from which he graduated in 1988. He continued his seminary studies in Qom between 1989 and 1993 during which time he also had the opportunity to study privately under some of the leading scholars of Qom. Upon returning to the UK, after founding AMI, he continued his advanced studies (dars al-khārij) under Ayatollah Hussain Amini. He was awarded an ijāza of ijtihād from both Ayatollah Hussain Amini and Ayatollah Professor Sayyid Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad. He is the author of the Islam and God-Centricity series which presents the essential message of Islam through a fresh re-evaluation of religion and human purpose. In addition to these works, he has authored and translated numerous other books and articles. He is currently working on a translation of the second volume of Muḥammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr’s famous work of legal theory Durūs fī ʿilm al-uṣūl, having translated the first volume in 2003. He is the author and translator of several other works and a prolific public speaker to Muslim communities around the world. He has previously taught at Madrassa al-Sayyid al-Khūʾī, the seminary of Qom, and the Islamic College, London.